Feeding Innovation

Beef Alliance Startup Challenge

"Central to the Beef Alliance vision is to be a trusted leader that drives positive change in the cattle feeding industry. We can’t achieve that vision sitting on the sidelines, and the Startup Challenge is an opportunity to step up and be a leader in our industry through supporting and driving innovation in cattle feeding. This event aligns with our commitment to advance continuous improvement in cattle feeding with an openness to new technologies that improve our ability to produce high-quality, sustainably-raised beef products."
Scott Whitefoot
Scott Whitefoot
Beef Alliance Past Chairman

CattleQuants wins 2022 Startup Challenge Winner

MALVERN, ARK. – The Beef Alliance is thrilled to announce CattleQuants as the winner of the 2022 Beef Alliance Startup Challenge. An Ohio-based startup company, CattleQuants provides automated solutions for drone-based monitoring of cattle on feed. These services include head counting capabilities, weight estimation, feed bunk reading, and health monitoring.

2022 Beef Alliance Startup Challenge Finalists


Please check back for future announcements regarding the Beef Alliance Startup Challenge.

Resilient Biotics wins first-ever Beef Alliance Startup Challenge

MANHATTAN, KAN. – Resilient Biotics, a North-Carolina-based startup company, has been named the winner of the 2021 Beef Alliance Startup Challenge. Resilient Biotics is using data analytics to design microbiome-based therapeutics and advanced methods for prevention and precision treatment of disease in animals.

"The Beef Alliance Start Up Challenge provided a great opportunity for Resilient to connect directly with industry leaders. It's fantastic to see the biggest players not only supporting new innovation, but also designing a conduit for startups like Resilient to interact directly with the end customer. It's clear the Beef Alliance hopes to create an innovation ecosystem to bring forth new technologies that can address critical challenges in the beef industry. Winning the award served as critical validation for Resilients microbiome products and technology, which helps attract outside investors and adjacent industry players that want to support upstream innovation in the food supply chain."
Christopher Belnap, PhD
Resilient Biotics CEO

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233 Hempstead 15
Hope, AR 71801
(402) 416-7641