Collaborative Research

cattle at the bunk line

A Commitment to Research

Having access to necessary and appropriate production technologies is critical in the ability to care for cattle and raise healthy animals. The Beef Alliance’s vision is that each member organization will support or conduct research to identify opportunities to enhance stewardship and to discover more efficient and effective application of antibiotics.

Guiding the development and implementation of research trials for the Beef Alliance is a working group comprised of technical subject matter experts from member organizations, including trained nutritionists and veterinarians. The working group identifies key research needs in the cattle feeding segment and works with university and industry experts on trial design, implementation and analysis. The collaborative research conducted by the Beef Alliance will help guide science-based decisions in the future. 

In addition, the Beef Alliance is a founding member of the International Consortium for Antimicrobial Stewardship in Agriculture (ICASA), a public-private partnership that aims to conduct research to promote the judicious use of antibiotics, advance animal health and welfare, and increase transparency in food production practices. Membership in ICASA will be another opportunity to collaborate with industry partners on critical issues that impact our ability to raise healthy animals. 

Current Research Focus

In partnership with Cactus Research and with support from ICASA, the Beef Alliance is conducting a large-scale experiment, involving approximately 12,000 animals at six Beef Alliance member company feed yards across the US. The project is evaluating the impact of different tylosin dosage strategies on the incidence and severity of liver abscesses. The results will enable cattle producers to make science-based decisions regarding the judicious use of tylosin. Learn more here.

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